Monday, March 4, 2013

Optimizing Phpfox - Tip #2

The feed seems to be the most resource hungry feature so far. If Timeline is enabled , when going to a profile the script needs to find which years have content so it can display the Timeline years block; this can span up to 20 queries to the database in some cases and while it makes proper use of indexes and conditions this is a load we can save in 2 ways:

1) Disable Timeline
2) Disable the Time block, this is perhaps the most feasible option, if you have timeline enabled it must be for a reason. To disable this specific block go to AdminCP -> CMS -> Block Manager, then click on profile.index and disable "Feed Timeline":

 you will keep the timeline look but the year selector wont be there

With this small change your site will be using a lot less resources and it will contribute to keeping it more stable and efficient.

Note: In case you are wondering, the queries that come from this block do in fact get cached, one cache file per user, but the cache file (specific to a user) is deleted after that user posts something that creates a feed.

1 comment:

  1. I have a website in phpFox, however when creating a page and the feed is empty, the site carries over 10,000 queries, it causes a lot of slowness, can you help me?
